extended information for
Seven Swing Band
Lot #
Seven Swing Band
Consignor: Madeline Olhauser
Sevenrings To Heaven Smooth Rings Smooth N Valor
Seven Rings
Polly Poco Mussy Skip Dash
Mispollys Skip
St Skipparita Ring Swing Band Skippers Ring
Silent Ghost
Northern Makayla Silent Counsel
Skips State
Writeup: Standing at 15hh, “Drifter” has got it all! This is the horse you’ve always wanted, and the horse to make your friends jealous! Conformation, disposition, agility and chrome! This guy is super easy to get along with, easy to catch, great for the farrier, and very much in your pocket. He can stand tied all day, and has been hobbled. He’s quiet, steady, and smooth. He tends towards the lazy side, and can hit a small jog for miles. But shift him up a few gears, and this guy can line out! He was started last spring, and rode steady through the summer and fall, but was then put on the back burner, just because other horses with bigger priorities. He moves off leg, front and back end, turn on the haunch, easy w/t/l transitions. He’s had a rope swung off him, and drug funky objects. I personally think he would be an AMAZING rope/ranch horse. He’s moved cows, and isn’t phased by bucking colts, tractors, dogs, trucks, you name it! With a few more months on him, he would’ve been my go too horse, for sure. He rides better in a bosal, because he’s got a tendency to fight a bit, but his teeth will be done before the sale.
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