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Equine Assisted Learning (E.A.L.) Training Programs
New Leadership

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“Business in the 21st century cannot afford to ignore the importance of communication”

“Horses are an ancient archetypal symbol representing dignity, honor, beauty, strength, power and endurance. Because of the horse's social, hierarchal nature, they engage immediately in the leadership conversation. They quickly reveal that leadership is earned by the presence we bring forward and share with others. Working with horses quickly deconstructs the 'one leader on top' theory and enters us into a new world where leadership is a changing and fluid process in which several leaders may comprise a team.”

Ariana Strozzi

You may have heard the saying “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. The same applies to an organization’s leadership. It is the fine art of communication that brings positive results. “A horse whisperer is a person who by training and intuition can communicate nonverbally with his or her equine counterpart.” “People Whisperers” like horse whisperers are able to provide an environment of trust, open communication and security so that each individual on their team can maximize their potential.

Horses will serve as the model employee. Or will they? Your horse will look to you for leadership, and that leadership is the key to success. Your horse will respond to your leadership style and provide you with honest feedback about your current leadership strengths and gaps. Your horse will encourage you to look inwards and find new ways of communicating with others. Your horse may be a willing performer or a resentful employee.

“Horses naturally train humans in the timeless principles of authenticity, intention, courage, intuition and focus.”

Throughout the day you will interact with the horse using many of the same skills necessary for your success in the business world. This is not like going on your typical trail ride at the local ranch! No previous riding experience is necessary and participants can elect not to ride a horse while still being able to fully participate in the team experience. Equine facilitators and assistants will actively support you throughout the day ensuring a safe learning environment.

“Horses look for leadership, and that leadership is the key to success.”

New Leadership and Team Dynamics; How important is understanding this challenge to your organization or company?

This is great for new executives, CEO’s, managers and their teams; can be done as a half, one or two day workshop, but depending on challenge and expectations further attendance over a period of a few months may see more efficient and effective results


The cost of replacing a newly recruited executive could swing from between 1.5 to 40 times their annual salary. And the probability that one of these executives will fail in the first 2 years is 50%.

Why is that?

•  High organizational expectations of the new leader.
•  Lack of proper integration into the new position. Sink or swim.
•  Relying too much on past experiences and unable to flex with the new environment.
•  Resentment of existing team makes it difficult to achieve critical priorities.
•  Resentment of peers so no hand is offered.
•  Work load upon entry is so large that there is little time for establishing effective networks and mentors.
•  Failure at senior levels is very visible so little time is devoted to the emotions a new leader may be experiencing. Keep it buried!

This program is designed and ideally targeted at the newly promoted manager, director or vice president within an organization or the senior executive recently hired by the organization. Diminish the learning curve and increase the rate at which new leaders integrate effectively into their roles, their team and their organization.

Equine Assisted Learning offers a process by which your new leader is given every opportunity to successfully integrate into their new role with the added benefit of enhanced positive impact on their own team. They are able to focus on key goals and ensure that their new team is doing the same. As a result there is greater retention and greater productivity by the entire team. The savings are measurable as are the results. The ultimate goal: effective integration of the new leader into the organization with enhanced retention and improved business results.

“The arrival of a new leader can disrupt a team’s efforts, causing dissatisfaction and disengagement. A new leader can prolong or derail a team’s re norming by failing to balance his or her responsibilities to each of the teams that they belong.”  (Executive Talent, Diane Downey and Tom March, Fall 2000)

Learning to develop and enhance essential skills through experience will enhance a team member’s understanding and empathy, and strengthen conflict resolution, decision making and meeting management skills. Time is a valuable resource for any organization and a more effective team will impact your business and financial success.  Team members learn to understand each other better, as well as to develop their own ability to flex their thinking energies to best match the requirements of each task they face.

"Team success depends on continuous learning to drive improved collaboration. Despite their best intentions a team can reach a performance ceiling where the quality of their group interaction is insufficient to meet new and emergent levels of organizational change, speed and complexity." (Brett Richards, Master Trainer, Connective Intelligence)

•  Leadership awareness and insight designed to increase effectiveness; insight into leadership qualities
•  Work directly with the team as they grow exponentially.
•  Exercises designed to encourage team work to find success.
•  Explore team brain power: Assess individual and team thinking styles to evaluate team strengths.
•  Insight of how an individual’s limitations can become the teams limitations and prevention of this through greater awareness.
•  Learn the qualities of high performing teams; it’s not who knows the most, but who can communicate efficiently.
•  Explore the dynamics of effective collaboration.
•  Learn and apply practical problem solving and decision making processes to real business challenges; utilize practical on-the-job team performance skills learned in exercises designed to reinforce the use of Effective Teamwork in the workplace long after the session
•  The horses you are working with will immediately tell you what your team’s energy creating an opportunity for you to challenge and change organization and thinking.
•  Experience customized program content and scope to suit the specific objectives of your team and organization.

As a half, one or two day workshop, as an example  :

8:00 Registration
9:00 "How Do Horses Communicate Without Speaking"
    What is Equine Assisted Learning Demonstration
9:30 "Catch That Horse"
10:00 Break, Coffee and Refreshments
10:15 "Silent Communication"
12:00 Lunch Break
12:45 Equine Communication Recap
1:00 "Equine Billiards"
2:00 "Right Hand, Left Hand"
2:30 “Blindman’s Halter”
3:00 Debriefing & Wrap Up

Price:    $300/participant-Full Day (meal incl.)
              $175/participant-Half Day (no meal-1 pm-4:30)
(it will be escalated and constructed to meet your exact needs)

Retaining your most Valuable Assets by Engaging your Employees and Fostering a Leadership Philosophy.

This is a great program designed for managers to improve performance results through training, coaching and facilitating the development of their own employees as self-managers. At the same time it allows management to take a closer look.  This program encourages individuals to maximize job performance, while enhancing personal and professional growth. It will help individuals become effective self managers of their careers, family, health and relationships.  These workshops are also great for succession planning as identifying leaders will result in a clearer idea of a succession plan by clarifying leadership strengths and concerns before they become an issue.  Possibilities for greater accuracy in talent identification of future management results from exercises which create challenges that may be found in the workplace.  As a team is able to work through the exercise while being observed creates the opportunity for all members of the team to display strengths and increase awareness of gaps.


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